We will help you create a website for free

«AuraHelp» will help you quickly launch a beautiful NGO website without financial costs and programming. Start working on your new website today.

Works on WordPress

We will launch it within a couple of working days. 3 designs to choose from, collect online donations and other features.

What does it look like?

Nicely. See what the site looks like.
Your site will be even better.

What’s inside?

Everything you need and for free. A complete software package for running a working website.

Where to start?

It’s easy to get started. Click Create a Website” and follow the simple instructions.


How exactly does the system work?

This is a WordPress theme with three pre-installed templates. More precisely, these are three design templates designed specifically for the requests of NGOs and activists. Works on the basis of ” Kandinsky»

What do I need to launch my website?

To install the site, you just need to purchase a hosting service. For this purpose, the basic tariffs of most hosting providers are suitable. You will also need your own domain name.

Yeah, so you need to buy something? And they said it would be free!

We will install and configure the system for you for free. Support service consultations are also free of charge. But, the hosting and domain name will need to be purchased from any hosting provider of your choice. In 2021, the domain is in the zone .kg costs from 2500 soms per year, and the minimum hosting for WordPress – from 350 soms per month.

Why did you choose WordPress? After all, there is Joomla, Drupal, etc.

WordPress has a lot of developers, a lot of plugins, and good documentation. In addition, it is open source and free software. 27% of all websites in the world run on WordPress

How is the “Kandinsky” system better than sites built on constructors?

First, you are in complete control of it yourself. You can optimize it, expand it, add new features. Everything is limited only by your imagination and the needs of the organization. Secondly, it is designed and optimized specifically for non-profit organizations. Third, even with the payment of the domain and hosting, working with “Kandinsky” is cheaper than paid tariffs from third-party designers.

What should I do if I saw(a) an error?

If something is wrong with “Kandinsky”, it is better to immediately leave the task to the development department here. If you have a question or something is not clear-take a look at the Telegram channel of the developers of “Kandinsky”.
